Making Eye Cream in the Creative Lotion Lab

Making Eye Cream in the Creative Lotion Lab

Today in the lotion lab, I set out to make under eye cream.  I was all excited because I had my new bottles of evening primrose oil, carrot seed oil and rosehip seed oil.  I always get excited when I have a new shipment from my supplier.  Anyway, I recently made some under eye cream to see if it would help reduce the “appearance” of my not so fine lines and wrinkles that have started to occur around my eyes and, it was ok, but just ok.  I knew there were ingredients in the all natural cosmetic world that I hadn’t tried.  I settled on my new eye cream recipe, finally decided on the ingredients, did all of my calculations and that’s the one I am working on today.  I very carefully measure everything out.  I mixed it all up and added preservatives and essential oils and then realized that carrot seed oil smells very earthy.  I’ve used products with carrot seed oil and have never smelled this. Hmmm, well whatever, I moved on.  I finished the cream recipe and in the process of putting it in a jar I spilled a blob of lotion on the counter.  So,I did what I always do when I spill lotions that I make and don’t want to waste a drop - I picked it up and smeared it all over my arms and legs.  Then I realized just how much of an earthy smell this lotion had.  Now I smelled all earthy and carrot-like but, thank heavens, that smell eventually faded.  What I didn’t expect was the incredible moisturizing effect that took place on my legs.  I have REALLY dry skin on my legs - been scratching since I was a kid.  After the lotion soaked in I noticed not only did my legs feel nice and soft but they looked like they’d had an anti-aging treatment.  The dreaded knee wrinkles were smoothed out and my legs actually looked younger.  So, everything on your body ages - not just your face and neck and I was now experiencing that moment when I felt like I had discovered something that nobody else had done before (which is what I always think).

The old adage, “Necessity is the mother of invention” popped into my head as I was driving home from the lotion lab  - I always need lotion for my legs, to help with the dry itchy thing I have going on, I just didn’t realized that my new under eye cream recipe may just be my new leg cream that will turn back the hands of time.. Ok, did I say that I get really excited about my new lotion creations?  So, to calm myself I am now doing research to see if this really does what I think and am hoping it does.  I am currently experimenting on my legs.  The right leg is getting the Eye Cream treatment and the left one is getting nothing. If this will really make a difference in my knee wrinkles just think of what it may do for my eyes.  I’ll let you know how this turns out.

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